Saturday 25 April 2015

Days at ECCMID, meeting my European colleagues and first impressions of Copenhagen

The impressive public transport starts at the airport, it is only a 15 mins Metro journey to the city. I stayed in the old part of town next to the harbour. The city reminded me of Amsterdam with canals and boats and high 19 c Victorian buildings. I treated myself to a lunch of herrings, and reconnected with my Dutch roots next to the Nyhavn canal with brightly painted picturesque 18c houses, it felt very Baltic. The conference centre was uber modern with a vast Marriot Hotel coated with blue and white tiles and a high bridge connecting the hotel towers. At the seminar on Ebola there were excellent presentations by MSF people on the clinical features of Ebola which has not been studied in large numbers of people with early disease. In the evening I networked with people including John McConnell from Lancet Infectious Diseases and our own LSHTM TMIH students who are here. My first impressions of Copenhagen were of an efficient friendly, clean, interesting city with more old buildings than I expected.

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