Monday 3 June 2013

Why read Annie Matthews?

Once you start you are hooked by this novel about a woman born in 1858 whose life encompassed  Victorian life as a governess in Holland and then an Edwardian life as a hotelier in Scarborough.   The author, David Lockwood, was deeply impressed by his grandmother’s life story which she told him when they were together in Winchester during the second world war. He grew up in the hotel in Scarborough and had observed her at her hotelier work. He also had a deep knowledge and understanding of the Victorian and Edwardian eras and so he gives her life a novel like context.  He depicts places and dresses and customs with a poets eye.  It is a compelling book to read, once started one wants to know what happens to Annie and her family.  It took David ten years to write the book, in his retirement and initially it did not find a publisher. My mother Willy Lockwood then published it in 2011.
You can buy Annie Matthews from Dr W Lockwood-Mom, 61A Camden Rd, Brecon, LD37RT

For more information about Annie Matthews  visit

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