On this
visit to India
(May 2103) I experienced life and death through theatre, a service in a
monastery and the passing of an old friend.
celebrations of life started with the colourful exuberance of the Chamanlal
theatre awards ceremony which I attended with Kris and Joy Michael. Joy has
been a stalwart of the theatre in Delhi
for decades, nurturing and promoting it. She instigated these awards for
lighting and costumes so that people other than the actors would be
acknowledged and was the recipient herself a few years ago. The presentation
was in the modern Siri Fort theatre which has a wooden clean lined interior.
People were delighted to see Joy, bowing deeply to her and ushering her to a
front row seat, to her irritation. After the awards there was a Bollywood
extravaganza of music, dance and film with dancers in yellow and orange
costumes and loud music. The theme was “searching for meaning in life” with
songs about love and loss, including Sufi songs and film clips of pilgrims at Mecca . Laser beams shone
out illuminating solid blocks of blue around the audience. Indian contemporary
and ancient culture was celebrated with modern tools. It was glitzy and fun.
Two nights
later I joined them again to celebrate Ascension Communion at a closed
monastery on in old Delhi .
It had been a hot day and it was pleasant to stand on the grass in the
monastery gardens and observe the monks leading the service. About 100 people
there, Delhi ’s
Anglican congregation and the service was lead by a corpulent priest. The monastery is a simple two storey
structure with a central library filled with religious and historical books.
The monk’s cells are simple rooms as is the chapel which had no decorations.
The garden was glorious filled with summer flowers and surrounded by large
trees. Two monks had died recently, father Amos renown for his simplicity and
absence of possessions, one of his Muslim friends said ”he who filled us died
empty” and thousands of people attended his funeral. The other was Ian Weathrall
who had grown up in India
and served with the Indian Army (1942-7). He then became a monk in a closed
order in Delhi
(1953). He had been an active priest doing social work with the poor and people
with leprosy as well as serving on the board of St Stephens hospital and
college, two premier institutions in Delhi .
Mark Tully wrote in his obituary that he enjoyed a good party. After the
service we ate rice standing on the lawns.
I really I was connecting with a older thread of Delhi life, there were
still strong links between the church and London, the monks had the Church
Times and The Spectator for reading so I wondered what
their impression of life in the UK is. But the order has few new monks, there
are now only seven and I wonder how long this institution can last.
I often
stay with Jasjit and Mataji Mansingh, mother and daughter when I am in Delhi . Mataji was 107 and
on this visit she was close to death. She had an infection and had stopped
eating and drinking. Her daughter Jasjit who has looked after her for the last
decade wanted to keep her at home but her son scooped his mother up and took
her in hospital saying that he wanted everything done for her. When I visited
she was barely conscious with drips attached and a monitor beeping her heart
rate. It seemed sad to depart this life in hospital, especially for someone so
religious. She had sat quietly in the garden so often. I said goodbye to her as
I was departing and she died two weeks later in hospital. Over the last year
Jasjit has been researching Mataji’s life and uncovered a rich history. Se was
born in Lahore and after college in Delhi had gone to London
on a scholarship for girls that rotated between the different religious groups
and in 1926 was allocated to the Sikhs. She had studied psychology at
University College London and been awarded a Ph D in 1932. It is difficult to
imagine what it must have been like being a female Indian student in London In
the 1920’s, was it exciting but daunting, was she lonely? Was she linked to the
campaign for Indian independence movement was in full spate then and did she
active for women’s emancipation. Her PhD was on “Attention span during short
periods of work” even now this is topical as we acknowledge the disruptive
effect of browsing on the Internet. During her last decade she retreated
into religious observation and I only ever saw her reading religious texts and
I never knew about her London
studentship until Jasjit unrolled her Ph D certificate last year. She rose at
dawn to watch the TV broadcast from Amritsar
and wore huge headphones which contrasted incongruously with her white widow’s
salwar kameez. She rested in the garden
a last time for an hour on her way from the hospital to the crematorium. Jasjit
aged 76 has done a magnificent job looking after her mother and I hope that she
will be able to travel and enjoy her freedom from domestic responsibility.
I was in Delhi for a meeting of
the Leprosy Mission (TLM) international scientific committee and to also finish
the analysis on the azathioprine trial that we did to try and improve the
treatment of leprosy reactions. The trial has taken up many years with the
planning, execution and now analysis and write up. Colleagues from other Indian
labs working on leprosy came to the meeting. It was good to see the enthusiasm
there, because the elimination campaign has also frightened people away from
doing leprosy research. This has created a gap in skills and knowledge, the
headship of JALMA, the national Indian leprosy research institute has been
taken by someone with a background in HIV and he is busy learning about
leprosy. The headship of the TLM research lab in Delhi is also empty and has been filled by
Sen Gupta who retired from running one of the other labs 10 years ago. Whilst
it was nice to see Sen Gupta’s enthusiasm it illustrates the gap in leprosy
research leadership. So there are still lots of challenges ahead.
Although it
was the hot weather in Delhi
with temperatures up to 40 C the trees were in full leaf still. In New Delhi so many of the
streets are tree lined that the whole city feels green.
On this visit to Delhi
I experienced links with history, Mataji and Ian Wethrall were links to a recent
but two very different worlds. In the
present there are the continuing challenges of leprosy work.